Squad name Formation Rating Attack Midfield Defense Chemistry


7 years ago

4-3-3 (5) 90 92 86 87 95

This is unreal

7 years ago

4-3-3 (4) 90 90 86 90 100


7 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 90 90 90 88 100

rating draft

7 years ago

4-3-3 (4) 90 89 89 88 53

look at this midfield

7 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 89 90 89 85 97

how hhow hhhhhow

7 years ago

3-4-2-1 91 90 88 91 99

what the hell is this?!!

7 years ago

3-4-3 90 92 86 89 100


7 years ago

4-3-1-2 89 87 90 87 99


7 years ago

4-3-3 (4) 90 91 91 86 87


7 years ago

4-3-3 (3) 90 93 90 85 92


7 years ago

3-4-3 90 91 88 86 100


7 years ago

4-1-2-1-2 89 90 89 85 96

this draft IS 91 RATED

7 years ago

3-5-2 91 90 91 90 80


7 years ago

3-4-1-2 89 90 89 86 100

this is lit

8 years ago

3-4-2-1 86 86 86 84 100

awesome team

8 years ago

4-3-3 (5) 87 88 85 85 99

really only 87 rated

8 years ago

3-4-3 87 87 89 83 99

2 team of the years

8 years ago

4-3-3 87 87 89 83 100

2 team of the years

8 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 88 89 88 83 100

99 ron

8 years ago

3-4-3 88 88 86 87 51

93 marcelo

8 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 87 87 84 88 100

89 + 98 Messi +96 sergio

8 years ago

3-4-3 89 91 87 87 95

98 messi

8 years ago

3-4-1-2 86 85 85 86 100

88 +98 neuer

8 years ago

4-3-3 (3) 88 87 87 85 93

calcio a + 93 dani alves

8 years ago

4-3-3 87 85 86 87 100